import { path, head, reject, concat, without, length } from 'ramda' import { rules, collectDefaults, rulesFr } from 'Engine/rules' import { getNextSteps, collectMissingVariablesByTarget } from 'Engine/generateQuestions' import { analyseMany, parseAll } from 'Engine/traverse' export default (tracker, flatRules, answerSource) => (state, action) => { state.flatRules = flatRules // Optimization - don't parse on each analysis if (!state.parsedRules) { state.parsedRules = parseAll(flatRules) } // TODO if (action.type == 'CHANGE_LANG') { if (action.lang == 'fr') { flatRules = rulesFr } else flatRules = rules return { ...state, flatRules } } if ( ![ 'SET_CONVERSATION_TARGETS', 'STEP_ACTION', 'USER_INPUT_UPDATE', 'START_CONVERSATION', 'SET_ACTIVE_TARGET_INPUT' ].includes(action.type) ) return state if (path(['form', 'conversation', 'syncErrors'], state)) return state // Most rules have default values let rulesDefaults = collectDefaults(flatRules), situationWithDefaults = assume(answerSource, rulesDefaults) let analysis = analyseMany(state.parsedRules, state.targetNames)( situationWithDefaults(state) ) if (action.type === 'USER_INPUT_UPDATE') { tracker.push([ 'trackEvent', 'input:' + state.activeTargetInput, answerSource(state)(state.activeTargetInput) ]) return { ...state, analysis, situationGate: situationWithDefaults(state) } } let nextStepsAnalysis = analyseMany(state.parsedRules, state.targetNames)( answerSource(state) ), missingVariablesByTarget = collectMissingVariablesByTarget( nextStepsAnalysis.targets ), nextSteps = getNextSteps(missingVariablesByTarget), currentQuestion = head(nextSteps) let newState = { ...state, analysis, situationGate: situationWithDefaults(state), explainedVariable: null, nextSteps, currentQuestion, foldedSteps: action.type === 'SET_CONVERSATION_TARGETS' && action.reset ? [] : state.foldedSteps } if (action.type === 'SET_ACTIVE_TARGET_INPUT') { tracker.push([ 'trackEvent', 'select', state.activeTargetInput ]) } if (action.type === 'START_CONVERSATION') { tracker.push([ 'trackEvent', 'refine', '' ]) } // Les nextSteps initiaux ne dépendent que des règles et pourraient être précalculés // TODO: sortir ce calcul du state pour éviter cette "astuce" avec stillBlank if (['START_CONVERSATION', 'SET_ACTIVE_TARGET_INPUT'].includes(action.type)) { // Le premier clic pour sélectionner un input actif permet d'initialiser missingVariablesByTarget let stillBlank = state.activeTargetInput && !answerSource(state)(state.activeTargetInput), initial = path(['missingVariablesByTarget','initial'], state) return { ...(stillBlank ? state : newState), missingVariablesByTarget: { initial: initial ? initial : missingVariablesByTarget, current: missingVariablesByTarget } } } if (action.type == 'STEP_ACTION' && == 'fold') { tracker.push([ 'trackEvent', 'answer:' + action.source, action.step + ': ' + situationWithDefaults(state)(action.step) ]) if (!newState.currentQuestion) { tracker.push([ 'trackEvent', 'done', 'after ' + length(newState.foldedSteps) + ' questions' ]) } let foldedSteps = [...state.foldedSteps, state.currentQuestion] return { ...newState, foldedSteps, missingVariablesByTarget: { ...state.missingVariablesByTarget, current: missingVariablesByTarget } } } if (action.type == 'STEP_ACTION' && == 'unfold') { tracker.push(['trackEvent', 'unfold', action.step]) // We are possibly "refolding" a previously open question let previous = state.currentQuestion, // we fold it back into foldedSteps if it had been answered answered = previous && answerSource(state)(previous) != undefined, rawFoldedSteps = answered ? concat(state.foldedSteps, [previous]) : state.foldedSteps, foldedSteps = without([action.step], rawFoldedSteps) return { ...newState, foldedSteps, currentQuestion: action.step, missingVariablesByTarget: { ...state.missingVariablesByTarget, current: missingVariablesByTarget } } } } // assume "wraps" a given situation function with one that overrides its values with // the given assumptions export let assume = (evaluator, assumptions) => state => name => { let userInput = evaluator(state)(name) return userInput != null ? userInput : assumptions[name] }