import { RouterContext } from '@koa/router' import * as Sentry from '@sentry/node' import * as Tracing from '@sentry/tracing' // eslint-disable-next-line n/no-deprecated-api import Domains from 'domain' import { Context, Next } from 'koa' const release = (process.env.APP ?? '') + '-' + (process.env.CONTAINER_VERSION ?? '').substring(0, 7) Sentry.init({ dsn: '', // Set tracesSampleRate to 1.0 to capture 100% // of transactions for performance monitoring. // We recommend adjusting this value in production tracesSampleRate: 0.5, release, environment: release.includes('api-pr') ? 'test' : 'production', }) export default Sentry // not mandatory, but adding domains does help a lot with breadcrumbs export const requestHandler = (ctx: Context, next: Next) => { return new Promise<void>((resolve) => { const local = Domains.create() local.add(ctx as never) local.on('error', (err) => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access ctx.status = (err.status as number) || 500 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access ctx.body = err.message'error', err, ctx) }) void () => { Sentry.getCurrentHub().configureScope((scope) => scope.addEventProcessor((event) => Sentry.Handlers.parseRequest(event, ctx.request, { user: false }) ) ) await next() resolve() }) }) } // this tracing middleware creates a transaction per request export const tracingMiddleWare = async (ctx: RouterContext, next: Next) => { const reqMethod = (ctx.method || '').toUpperCase() const reqUrl = ctx.url && Tracing.stripUrlQueryAndFragment(ctx.url) // connect to trace of upstream app let traceparentData if (ctx.request.get('sentry-trace')) { traceparentData = Tracing.extractTraceparentData( ctx.request.get('sentry-trace') ) } const transaction = Sentry.startTransaction({ name: `${reqMethod} ${reqUrl}`, op: 'http.server', ...traceparentData, }) ctx.__sentry_transaction = transaction // We put the transaction on the scope so users can attach children to it Sentry.getCurrentHub().configureScope((scope) => { scope.setSpan(transaction) }) ctx.res.on('finish', () => { // Push `transaction.finish` to the next event loop so open spans have a chance to finish before the transaction closes setImmediate(() => { // if using koa router, a nicer way to capture transaction using the matched route if (ctx._matchedRoute) { const mountPath = (ctx.mountPath as undefined | string) || '' transaction.setName( `${reqMethod} ${mountPath}${ctx._matchedRoute.toString()}` ) } transaction.setHttpStatus(ctx.status) transaction.finish() }) }) await next() }