import rules from 'modele-social' import Engine, { parsePublicodes } from 'publicodes' import { beforeEach, describe, expect, it, vi } from 'vitest' import yaml from 'yaml' import { cleanSearchParams, getRulesParamNames, getSearchParams, getSituationFromSearchParams, } from '../source/hooks/useSearchParamsSimulationSharing' describe('identifiant court', () => { const questions = Object.entries(parsePublicodes(rules).parsedRules) .filter(([, ruleNode]) => ruleNode.rawNode['identifiant court']) .map(([dottedName, ruleNode]) => [ dottedName, ruleNode.rawNode['identifiant court'], ]) it('should be unique amongst rules', () => { expect(questions).toHaveLength( new Set([, name]) => name)).size ) }) }) describe('useSearchParamsSimulationSharing', () => { const engine = new Engine( yaml.parse(` rule with: identifiant court: panta formule: 0 rule without: formule: 0 `) ) const dottedNameParamName = getRulesParamNames(engine.getParsedRules()) describe('getSearchParamsFromSituation', () => { it('builds search params with and without identifiant court', () => { expect( getSearchParams( engine, { 'rule with': '2000€/mois', 'rule without': '1000€/mois' }, dottedNameParamName, '€/an' ).toString() ).toBe( new URLSearchParams( 'panta=2000€/mois&rule without=1000€/mois&unite=€/an' ).toString() ) }) it('builds search params with object', () => { expect( getSearchParams( engine, { 'rule without': { 1: 2, 3: { 4: '5' } } }, dottedNameParamName, '€/an' ).toString() ).toBe( new URLSearchParams('rule without={"1":2,"3":{"4":"5"}}').toString() + '&unite=%E2%82%AC%2Fan' ) }) it('handles empty situation with proper defaults', () => { expect( getSearchParams(engine, {}, dottedNameParamName, '€/mois').toString() ).toBe('unite=%E2%82%AC%2Fmois') }) }) describe('getSituationFromSearchParams', () => { it('reads search params with and without identifiant court', () => { expect( getSituationFromSearchParams( new URLSearchParams('panta=2000€/mois&rule without=1000€/mois'), dottedNameParamName ) ).toEqual({ 'rule with': '2000€/mois', 'rule without': '1000€/mois', }) }) it('handles empty search params with proper defaults', () => { expect( getSituationFromSearchParams( new URLSearchParams(''), dottedNameParamName ) ).toEqual({}) }) }) }) describe('useSearchParamsSimulationSharing hook', () => { const { parsedRules } = parsePublicodes( yaml.parse( ` rule with: identifiant court: panta formule: 0 rule without: formule: 0 ` ) ) const dottedNameParamName = getRulesParamNames(parsedRules) let setSearchParams beforeEach(() => { setSearchParams = vi.fn() }) it('removes searchParams that are in situation', () => { const searchParams = new URLSearchParams( 'panta=123&rule without=333&unite=€/mois' ) const newSituation = getSituationFromSearchParams( searchParams, dottedNameParamName ) cleanSearchParams( searchParams, setSearchParams, dottedNameParamName, Object.keys(newSituation) ) expect(setSearchParams).toHaveBeenCalledWith('', { replace: true }) }) it("doesn't remove other search params", () => { const searchParams = new URLSearchParams( 'rule without=123&utm_campaign=marketing' ) const newSituation = getSituationFromSearchParams( searchParams, dottedNameParamName ) cleanSearchParams( searchParams, setSearchParams, dottedNameParamName, Object.keys(newSituation) ) expect(setSearchParams).toHaveBeenCalledWith('utm_campaign=marketing', { replace: true, }) }) })