import React, { Component } from 'react' import {connect} from 'react-redux' import {usedVariables} from '../selectors' let mapStateToProps = state => ( { usedVariables: usedVariables(state) } ) @connect(mapStateToProps) export default class Analyse extends Component { render() { let {usedVariables} = this.props, calculable = usedVariables[5].calculable For each of these cases, extract used variables. Regexp, remove accents, list of variables. check count all let scalarMult = value => { let [match, multiple, variable] = value.match(/(?:([0-9])*\s\*\s)?((?:[a-z]|\s|_)+)/g) } let possibilities = { linear: { base: 'scalar mult', limit: 'scalar mult', historique: null, // VAR/case: logic predicate }, marginalRateTaxScale: { base: 'scalar mult', // VAR/case: logic predicate }, concerne: 'logic', 'ne concerne pas': 'logic', logique: 'logic', // predicates leading to a boolean, 'logique numérique': 'numeric logic', // predicates leading to a number /* logic = string ? logic predicate -> & the rest || list of string predicates : || */ } console.log(calculable); return (
) } }