import { updateSituation } from 'Actions/actions' import classNames from 'classnames' import { T } from 'Components' import InputSuggestions from 'Components/conversation/InputSuggestions' import PercentageField from 'Components/PercentageField' import PeriodSwitch from 'Components/PeriodSwitch' import RuleLink from 'Components/RuleLink' import withColours from 'Components/utils/withColours' import withSitePaths from 'Components/utils/withSitePaths' import { encodeRuleName } from 'Engine/rules' import { serialiseUnit } from 'Engine/units' import { compose, isEmpty, isNil } from 'ramda' import React, { memo, useEffect, useState } from 'react' import emoji from 'react-easy-emoji' import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next' import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux' import { Link } from 'react-router-dom' import { analysisWithDefaultsSelector, useSituation, useSituationValue, useTarget } from 'Selectors/analyseSelectors' import Animate from 'Ui/animate' import AnimatedTargetValue from 'Ui/AnimatedTargetValue' import CurrencyInput from './CurrencyInput/CurrencyInput' import './TargetSelection.css' export default compose( withColours, memo )(function TargetSelection({ colours }) { const [initialRender, setInitialRender] = useState(true) const analysis = useSelector(analysisWithDefaultsSelector) const objectifs = useSelector( state => state.simulation?.config.objectifs || [] ) const secondaryObjectives = useSelector( state => state.simulation?.config['objectifs secondaires'] || [] ) const situation = useSituation() const dispatch = useDispatch() useEffect(() => { let targets = getTargets() // Initialize defaultValue for target that can't be computed targets .filter( target => (!target.formule || isEmpty(target.formule)) && (!isNil(target.defaultValue) || !isNil(target.explanation?.defaultValue)) && !situation[target.dottedName] ) .forEach(target => { dispatch( updateSituation( target.dottedName, !isNil(target.defaultValue) ? target.defaultValue : target.explanation?.defaultValue ) ) }) if (initialRender) { setInitialRender(false) } }, []) const getTargets = () => { if (!analysis) return [] return analysis.targets.filter( t => !secondaryObjectives.includes(t.dottedName) && t.dottedName !== 'contrat salarié . aides employeur' ) } let targets = getTargets() return (
{(typeof objectifs[0] === 'string' ? [{ objectifs }] : objectifs).map( ({ icône, objectifs: groupTargets, nom }, index) => (
{nom && (

{emoji(icône)} {nom}

{index === 0 && }
groupTargets.includes(dottedName) ), initialRender }} />
) )}
) }) let Targets = ({ targets, initialRender }) => (
) const Target = ({ target, initialRender }) => { const activeInput = useSelector(state => state.activeTargetInput) const dispatch = useDispatch() const isSmallTarget = !target.question || !target.formule || isEmpty(target.formule) return (
  • {isSmallTarget && ( )}
    {activeInput === target.dottedName && ( { dispatch(updateSituation(target.dottedName, '' + value)) }} rulePeriod={target.période} colouredBackground={true} /> )}
  • ) } let Header = withSitePaths(({ target, sitePaths }) => { const ruleLink = sitePaths.documentation.index + '/' + encodeRuleName(target.dottedName) return ( {target.title ||}


    ) }) let DebouncedCurrencyField = withColours(props => { return ( ) }) let DebouncedPercentageField = props => ( ) let TargetInputOrValue = ({ target, activeInput }) => { const { i18n } = useTranslation() const dispatch = useDispatch() const situationValue = useSituationValue(target.dottedName) let inputIsActive = activeInput === target.dottedName const Component = { '€': DebouncedCurrencyField, '%': DebouncedPercentageField }[serialiseUnit(target.unit)] return ( {inputIsActive || !target.formule || isEmpty(target.formule) ? ( dispatch(updateSituation(target.dottedName, } onBlur={event => event.preventDefault()} {...(inputIsActive ? { autoFocus: true } : {})} language={i18n.language} /> ) : ( )} {target.dottedName.includes('rémunération . total') && } ) } function TargetValue({ target }) { const blurValue = useSelector( state => analysisWithDefaultsSelector(state)?.cache.inversionFail ) const targetWithValue = useTarget(target.dottedName) const dispatch = useDispatch() const value = targetWithValue?.nodeValue const showField = value => () => { if (!target.question) return if (value != null && !Number.isNaN(value)) dispatch(updateSituation(target.dottedName, Math.round(value) + '')) dispatch({ type: 'SET_ACTIVE_TARGET_INPUT', name: target.dottedName }) } return (
    ) } function AidesGlimpse() { const aides = useTarget('contrat salarié . aides employeur') if (!aides?.nodeValue) return null return (
    -{' '} {' '} d'aides {emoji(aides.icons)}
    ) }