# To understand or edit this file, use the awesome nearley playground (but save your work, it can crash sometimes) : https://omrelli.ug/nearley-playground/ main -> AS {% id %} | Comparison {% id %} | NonNumericTerminal {% id %} NumericTerminal -> Variable {% id %} | TemporalVariable {% id %} | FilteredVariable {% id %} | percentage {% id %} | number {% id %} Parentheses -> "(" _ AS _ ")" {% ([,,e]) => e %} | NumericTerminal {% id %} ComparisonOperator -> ">" | "<" | ">=" | "<=" | "=" | "!=" Comparison -> Comparable _ ComparisonOperator _ Comparable {% ([A, , operator, , B]) => ({ [operator]: { type: 'comparison', explanation: [A, B] } }) %} Comparable -> ( AS | NonNumericTerminal) {% ([[e]]) => e %} NonNumericTerminal -> Boolean {% id %} | String {% id %} | NegatedVariable {% id %} NegatedVariable -> "≠" _ Variable {% ([,,{variable}]) => ({'≠': {explanation: variable} }) %} FilteredVariable -> Variable _ Filter {% ([{variable},,filter]) => ({filter: {filter, explanation: variable}}) %} Filter -> "(" VariableFragment ")" {% ([,filter]) =>filter %} TemporalVariable -> Variable _ TemporalTransform {% ([{variable},,temporalTransform]) => ({'temporalTransform': {explanation: variable, temporalTransform} }) %} TemporalTransform -> "[" Temporality "]" {% d =>d[1] %} Temporality -> "annuel" | "mensuel" {% id %} #----- # Addition and subtraction AS -> AS _ ASOperator _ MD {% ([A, , operator, , B]) => ({ [operator]: { type: 'calculation', explanation: [A, B] } }) %} | MD {% id %} ASOperator -> "+" {% id %} | "-" {% id %} MDOperator -> "*" {% id %} | "/" {% id %} # Multiplication and division MD -> MD _ MDOperator _ Parentheses {% ([A, , operator, , B]) => ({ [operator]: { type: 'calculation', explanation: [A, B] } }) %} | Parentheses {% id %} Term -> Variable {% id %} | FilteredVariable {% id %} | number {% id %} | percentage {% id %} Variable -> VariableFragment (_ Dot _ VariableFragment {% ([,,,fragment]) => fragment %}):* {% ([firstFragment, nextFragments]) => ({variable: { fragments: [firstFragment, ...nextFragments], }}) %} String -> "'" [ .'a-zA-Z\-\u00C0-\u017F ]:+ "'" {% d => ({constant: { type: 'string', nodeValue: d[1].join(''), rawNode: d[1].join('') }}) %} VariableFragment -> VariableWord (_ VariableWord {% d=> ' ' + d[1] %}):* {% d => d[0] + d[1].join('') %} VariableWord -> [a-zA-Z\u00C0-\u017F] [\-'a-zA-Z\u00C0-\u017F]:* {% d => d[0] + d[1].join('') %} Dot -> [\.] {% d => null %} _ -> [\s] {% d => null %} number -> [0-9]:+ ([\.] [0-9]:+):? {% d => ({constant:{ rawNode: d.join(''), nodeValue: parseFloat(d[0].join("")+(d[1]?(d[1][0]+d[1][1].join("")):""))}}) %} percentage -> [0-9]:+ ([\.] [0-9]:+):? [\%] {% d => ({ 'constant':{ rawNode: d.join(''), type: 'percentage', nodeValue: parseFloat(d[0].join("")+(d[1]?(d[1][0]+d[1][1].join("")):""))/100}}) %} Boolean -> ("oui" | "non" ) {% ([val])=> ({constant:{ rawNode: val, type: 'boolean', nodeValue: {'oui': true, 'non': false}[val]}}) %}