import { describe, it, expect } from 'vitest' import rules from 'modele-social' import { utils } from 'publicodes' describe('DottedNames graph', () => { it("shouldn't have cycles", () => { const [cyclesDependencies, dotGraphs] = utils.cyclicDependencies(rules) const dotGraphsToLog = dotGraphs .map( (dotGraph) => `🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀\n A cycle graph to stare at with Graphviz:\n${dotGraph}\n\n` ) .join('\n\n') expect( cyclesDependencies, `${dotGraphsToLog}\nAT LEAST the following cycles have been found in the rules dependencies graph.\nSee below for a representation of each cycle.\n⬇️ is a node of the cycle.\n\t- ${cyclesDependencies .map( (cycleDependencies, idx) => '#' + idx + ':\n\t\t⬇️ ' + cycleDependencies.join('\n\t\t⬇️ ') ) .join('\n\t- ')}\n\n` ).to.deep.equal([ [ 'dirigeant . rémunération . imposable', 'dirigeant . auto-entrepreneur . impôt . revenu imposable', "entreprise . chiffre d'affaires", 'dirigeant . rémunération . nette après impôt', 'dirigeant . rémunération . nette', 'dirigeant . rémunération . totale', 'impôt . montant', 'impôt . revenu imposable', ], ]) console.warn( "[ WARNING ] A cycle still exists around `entreprise . chiffre d'affaires` see issue #1524 for a definitive fix." ) }) })