import R from 'ramda' import removeDiacritics from '../utils/remove-diacritics' import { createSelector } from 'reselect' import {variablesSelector} from './selectors' import traversalGuide from './traversalGuide' /* AIM : Parse all the variables and extract their references to other variables. Rank the results by count. */ // Use to understand and write regexps !! let credits = 3 // 5 complex variables // let GETAdHocVariable = id => // new Promise((resolve, reject) => // setTimeout(() => // resolve( // Math.random() > 0.6 && credits ? // credits -- && {calls: ['myVar' + Math.random(), 'myVar2' + Math.random()]} // : 'myInputVariable' + Math.random() // ), // Math.random() * 2000 + 1000 // ) // ) let GETAdHocVariable = name => new Promise(resolve => window.fetch('' + name.trim().replace(/\s/g, '_')) .then(res => res.json()) .then(json => { let {error, variables} = json if (error && JSON.stringify(error).indexOf('Variable does not exist') + 1){ resolve('TODO ' + name) } if (variables) { let {name, formula} = variables[0] if (formula && formula['input_variables']) { resolve({calls: formula['input_variables']}) } else { resolve(name) } } }) ) async function getAdHocVariables(id) { let variable = await GETAdHocVariable(id) if (, variable)) return variable else return Promise.all( ) } // Returns a list of list of used variables // recursive function let findUsedVariables = (variables, schema, toAnalyse) => /*TODO If instruction of GET call -> return Promise 1) input var OK return string 2) call to other variables -> list of promises */ R.cond([ [R.isNil, () => []], [R.has('adHoc'), ({id}) => getAdHocVariables(id)], // The traversal of variables has found a parsable variable attribute. // Parse it to extract variables [, extractor => R.pipe( extractor, R.unless(R.isArrayLike, R.of),[ [, name => findVariables(variables, name)], [, tags => findVariables(variables, null, tags)] ])), R.unnest, /*TODO if instruction of GET call findUsedVariables(GET CALL) */ R.cond([ [R.has('adHoc'), adHocSpec => findUsedVariables(variables, adHocSpec)], [, R.identity], [R.T, found => findUsedVariables(variables, traversalGuide, found)] ]) ) )(toAnalyse) ], // Walk the graph using the guiding object until you find a parsable attribute [, traversalObject => R.toPairs(traversalObject).reduce( (res, [key, value]) => { return toAnalyse[key] != null ? [...res, ...findUsedVariables(variables, value, toAnalyse[key])] : res }, [] )], [R.T, () => []] ])(schema) let calculableVariables = createSelector( [variablesSelector], R.pipe(R.pluck('calculable'), R.unnest) ) /************************************ Functions to find variables */ let findVariablesByName = name => R.filter(variable => removeDiacritics(variable.variable) == name) let findVariablesByTags = tags => R.filter(R.pipe( R.prop('tags'), R.whereEq(tags) )) let findVariables = (variables, name, tags) => R.pipe( variables =>, name) ? findVariablesByName(name)(variables) : variables, variables =>, tags) ? findVariablesByTags(tags)(variables) : variables, R.cond([ [ R.isEmpty, () => variableNotFound(name)], [ (variables) =>, name) && variables.length > 1, () => variableNameCollision(name, tags)], [ R.T, R.identity] ]), )(variables) let variableNotFound = name => // Should do a query to openfisca web api ({adHoc: true, id: name}) let variableNameCollision = (name, tags) => `More than one variable corresponds to this name, tags tuple : ${name}, ${tags}` /*****************************************/ let accum = [] //aaw setTimeout(() => console.log(R.countBy(R.identity)(accum)), 10000) let resolvePromisesRec = R.pipe( R.unless(R.isArrayLike, R.of),[ [, p => p.then(resolvePromisesRec)], [, string => accum.push(string)] ])) ) export let usedVariables = createSelector( [state => state.rootVariables, calculableVariables], (roots, variables) => { // get all variables from these roots, rec ! return R.compose( // R.uniq, resolvePromisesRec, R.flatten, => findUsedVariables(variables, traversalGuide, rootObject)), => findVariables(variables, removeDiacritics(root))[0]) )(roots) } )