import R from 'ramda' // used to aseptise all yaml text, to avoid doing regexps on accents... import removeDiacritics from '../utils/remove-diacritics' /* When you encounter a variable, it may have a calculable key. This file provides an object with these mappings : calculable-key -> extract variables called by the calculation value */ let scalarMult = value => { value = removeDiacritics(value) // 4 * assiette cotisations sociales let match = /(?:([0-9])*\s\*\s)?((?:[a-z0-9]|\s|_)+)/g.exec(value) if (match) return match[2] } let logicalCondition = value => { value = removeDiacritics(value) let match, variable // ! ma variable if (R.contains('!')(value)) { match = /!((?:[a-z0-9]|\s|_)+)/g.exec(value) if (match) return match[1] } // département établissement ⊂ [57 67 68] if (R.contains('⊂')(value)) { match = /((?:[a-z0-9]|\s|_)+)⊂*/g.exec(value) if (match) return match[1] } // ma cotisation > 20 match = /((?:[a-z0-9]|\s|_)+)([<|>]=?)\s+[0-9]+/g.exec(value) if (match) return match[1] // 20 <= ma cotisation match = /[0-9]+\s+([<|>]=?)((?:[a-z0-9]|\s|_)+)/g.exec(value) if (match) return match[2] // ma variable = xxxx z match = /((?:[a-z0-9]|\s|_)+)=((?:[a-z0-9]|\s|_)+)/g.exec(value) if (match) return match[1] // ma variable match = /((?:[a-z0-9]|\s|_)+)/g.exec(value) if (match) return match[1] } /* Ce YAML : - cond1 - cond2: - cond2.1: - cond2.1.1 - cond2.1.2 - cond2.2 cond2.2.1 - cond3 se traduit en : cond1 || ( cond2 && ( ( cond2.1 && ( cond2.1.1 || cond2.1.2 ) ) || cond2.2 ) ) || cond3 (':-D) */ let logic = list => { // a list is a || return list.reduce((variables, next) => typeof next == 'string' ? [...variables, logicalCondition(next)] : // it's a single key object -> we're facing a && condition [...variables, logicalCondition(R.keys(next)[0]), ...logic(R.values(next))] , []) } R.uniq(logic) let plusOrMinus = R.cond([ [, removeDiacritics], [R.isArrayLike,], [, R.identity] ]) let traversalGuide = { linear: { base: scalarMult, limit: scalarMult, historique: null // VAR/case: logic predicate }, marginalRateTaxScale: { base: scalarMult // VAR/case: logic predicate }, concerne: logic, 'ne concerne pas': logic, logique: logic, // predicates leading to a boolean, 'logique numérique': () => null, // predicates leading to a number '+': plusOrMinus, // It's a string or list of string representing variable calls, that's all we want for now :-) '-': plusOrMinus // Same :-) } export default traversalGuide