targetSelection: What would you like to estimate ? news: Welcome to the english-language version of the salary cost estimator selectMany: You may pick more than one Valider: Accept valider: accept votre réponse: answer here reset: Start over resetAll: Discard answers change: Change answers details: Detailed results revenir: back Modifier: Edit passer: skip irrelevant: Not owed unsatisfied: Awaiting your answers… Échap: Esc Entrée: Enter À propos: About (fr) Mode plein écran: Full screen first: Your first estimate is now available! lastQ: One last question! questionsLeft: Fewer than <1>{{nbQuestions}} questions to go… radio_Oui: Yes radio_Non: No radio_Aucun: None déplier: show more replier: show less santé: healthcare retraite: pensions famille: family allowances chômage: unemployment autre: other Salaire brut: Gross salary Salaire net: Net salary Salaire total: Total salary Salaire de base: Base salary disclaimer: This estimate takes into account national law but not union negotiated rules, and should not be used as a pay slip. If results differ from a pay slip, we refer you to an accountant or HR expert. clickForMore: You can click the results below for detailed explanations.