/* eslint-env node */ const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const yaml = require('js-yaml') const publicodesDir = path.resolve(__dirname, './règles') const outDir = path.resolve(__dirname, './dist') if (!fs.existsSync(outDir)) { fs.mkdirSync(outDir) } function recursiveFindYamlFile(dirPath = publicodesDir) { return fs .readdirSync(dirPath) .flatMap((filename) => { const fullpath = path.join(dirPath, filename) if (fs.statSync(fullpath).isDirectory()) { return recursiveFindYamlFile(fullpath) } else { return filename.endsWith('.yaml') ? fullpath : false } }) .filter(Boolean) } function readRules() { return recursiveFindYamlFile().reduce((rules, filePath) => { const newRules = yaml.load(fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf-8'), { filename: filePath, }) const duplicatedRule = Object.keys(newRules).find( (ruleName) => ruleName in rules ) if (duplicatedRule) { throw new Error( `La règle ${duplicatedRule} a été redéfinie dans dans le fichier ${filePath}, alors qu'elle avait déjà été définie auparavant dans un autre fichier` ) } return Object.assign(rules, newRules) }, {}) } // Note: we can't put the output file in the fs.watched directory function writeJSFile() { const rules = readRules() const names = Object.keys(rules) const jsString = `export default ${JSON.stringify(rules, null, 2)}` fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(outDir, 'index.js'), jsString) fs.writeFileSync( path.resolve(outDir, 'names.ts'), `\nexport type Names = ${names.map((name) => `"${name}"`).join('\n | ')}\n` ) } writeJSFile() exports.watchDottedNames = () => fs.watch(publicodesDir, writeJSFile)