import { expect } from 'chai' import { describe, it, beforeEach, afterEach } from 'mocha' import { createMemoryHistory } from 'history' import { DottedName } from 'modele-social' import { createStore } from 'redux' import * as sinon from 'sinon' import { loadPreviousSimulation, setSimulationConfig, updateSituation, } from '../source/actions/actions' import reducers, { Simulation, SimulationConfig, } from '../source/reducers/rootReducer' import { setupSimulationPersistence } from '../source/storage/persistSimulation' import safeLocalStorage from '../source/storage/safeLocalStorage' function delay(ms: number) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)) } const simulationConfig: SimulationConfig = { objectifs: [], 'objectifs cachés': [], situation: {}, 'unité par défaut': '€/mois', } const initialSimulation: Simulation = { config: simulationConfig, url: '/someurl', hiddenNotifications: [], situation: {}, initialSituation: {}, targetUnit: '€/mois', foldedSteps: ['somestep' as DottedName], unfoldedStep: null, } describe('[persistence] When simulation persistence is setup', () => { const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox() let spiedSafeLocalStorage: any let store: any beforeEach(() => { spiedSafeLocalStorage = sandbox.spy(safeLocalStorage as any) store = createStore(reducers, { simulation: initialSimulation, activeTargetInput: 'sometargetinput', } as any) setupSimulationPersistence(store, 0) }) afterEach(() => { sandbox.restore() }) describe('when the state is changed with some data that is persistable', () => { beforeEach(async () => { store.dispatch(updateSituation('dotted name' as DottedName, '42')) await delay(0) }) it('saves state in localStorage with all fields', () => { expect(spiedSafeLocalStorage.setItem.calledOnce) expect(spiedSafeLocalStorage.setItem.getCall(0).args[1]).to.eq( '{"situation":{"dotted name":"42"},"activeTargetInput":"sometargetinput","foldedSteps":["somestep"]}' ) }) it('saves state in localStorage with a key dependent on the simulation url', () => { expect(spiedSafeLocalStorage.setItem.calledOnce) expect(spiedSafeLocalStorage.setItem.getCall(0).args[0]).to.contain( 'someurl' ) }) }) }) describe('[persistence] When simulation config is set', () => { const serializedPreviousSimulation = '{"situation":{"dotted name . other":"42"},"activeTargetInput":"someothertargetinput","foldedSteps":["someotherstep"]}' const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox() let store: any beforeEach(() => { sandbox .stub(safeLocalStorage, 'getItem') .callsFake(() => serializedPreviousSimulation) store = createStore(reducers) const history = createMemoryHistory() history.replace('/someotherurl') store.dispatch( setSimulationConfig(simulationConfig, history.location.pathname) ) }) afterEach(() => { sandbox.restore() }) describe('when previous simulation is loaded in state', () => { beforeEach(() => { store.dispatch(loadPreviousSimulation()) }) it('loads url in state', () => { expect(store.getState().simulation.url).to.eq('/someotherurl') }) it('loads situation in state', () => { expect(store.getState().simulation.situation).to.deep.eq({ 'dotted name . other': '42', }) }) it('loads activeTargetInput in state', () => { expect(store.getState().activeTargetInput).to.eq('someothertargetinput') }) it('loads foldedSteps in state', () => { expect(store.getState().simulation.foldedSteps).to.deep.eq([ 'someotherstep', ]) }) }) })