import { Action } from 'Actions/actions' import { areUnitConvertible, convertUnit, parseUnit } from 'Engine/units' import { compose, defaultTo, dissoc, identity, lensPath, omit, over, set, uniq, without } from 'ramda' import reduceReducers from 'reduce-reducers' import { combineReducers, Reducer } from 'redux' import { analysisWithDefaultsSelector } from 'Selectors/analyseSelectors' import { SavedSimulation } from 'Selectors/storageSelectors' import { DottedName, Rule } from 'Types/rule' import i18n, { AvailableLangs } from '../i18n' import { Unit } from './../engine/units' import inFranceAppReducer from './inFranceAppReducer' import storageRootReducer from './storageReducer' function explainedVariable( state: DottedName = null, action: Action ): DottedName { switch (action.type) { case 'EXPLAIN_VARIABLE': return action.variableName case 'STEP_ACTION': return null default: return state } } function currentExample(state = null, action: Action) { switch (action.type) { case 'SET_EXAMPLE': const { situation, name, dottedName } = action return name != null ? { name, situation, dottedName } : null default: return state } } function situationBranch(state: number = null, action: Action): number { switch (action.type) { case 'SET_SITUATION_BRANCH': return default: return state } } function activeTargetInput( state: DottedName | null = null, action: Action ): DottedName | null { switch (action.type) { case 'SET_ACTIVE_TARGET_INPUT': return case 'RESET_SIMULATION': return null default: return state } } function lang( state = i18n.language as AvailableLangs, { type, lang } ): AvailableLangs { switch (type) { case 'SWITCH_LANG': return lang default: return state } } type ConversationSteps = { foldedSteps: Array unfoldedStep?: string } function conversationSteps( state: ConversationSteps = { foldedSteps: [], unfoldedStep: null }, action: Action ): ConversationSteps { if (['RESET_SIMULATION', 'SET_SIMULATION'].includes(action.type)) return { foldedSteps: [], unfoldedStep: null } if (action.type !== 'STEP_ACTION') return state const { name, step } = action if (name === 'fold') return { foldedSteps: [...state.foldedSteps, step], unfoldedStep: null } if (name === 'unfold') { return { foldedSteps: without([step], state.foldedSteps), unfoldedStep: step } } return state } function updateSituation(situation, { fieldName, value, analysis }) { const goals = analysis.targets .map(target => target.explanation || target) .filter(target => !!target.formule == !!target.question) .map(({ dottedName }) => dottedName) const removePreviousTarget = goals.includes(fieldName) ? omit(goals) : identity return { ...removePreviousTarget(situation), [fieldName]: value } } function updateDefaultUnit(situation, { toUnit, analysis }) { const unit = parseUnit(toUnit) const convertedSituation = Object.keys(situation) .map( dottedName => analysis.targets.find(target => target.dottedName === dottedName) || analysis.cache[dottedName] ) .filter( rule => (rule.unit || rule.defaultUnit) && !rule.unité && !rule.explanation?.unité && areUnitConvertible(rule.unit || rule.defaultUnit, unit) ) .reduce( (convertedSituation, rule) => ({ ...convertedSituation, [rule.dottedName]: convertUnit( rule.unit || rule.defaultUnit, unit, situation[rule.dottedName] ) }), situation ) return convertedSituation } type QuestionsKind = | "à l'affiche" | 'non prioritaires' | 'uniquement' | 'liste noire' export type SimulationConfig = Partial<{ objectifs: | Array | Array<{ icône: string; nom: string; objectifs: Array }> questions: Partial>> bloquant: Array situation: Simulation['situation'] branches: Array<{ nom: string; situation: SimulationConfig['situation'] }> defaultUnits: [string] }> export type Simulation = { config: SimulationConfig url: string hiddenControls: Array situation: Record defaultUnits: [string] } function simulation( state: Simulation = null, action: Action, analysis: Record ): Simulation | null { if (action.type === 'SET_SIMULATION') { const { config, url } = action if (state && state.config === config) { return state } return { config, url, hiddenControls: [], situation: {}, defaultUnits: (state && state.defaultUnits) || config.defaultUnits || ['€/mois'] } } if (state === null) { return state } switch (action.type) { case 'HIDE_CONTROL': return { ...state, hiddenControls: [...state.hiddenControls,] } case 'RESET_SIMULATION': return { ...state, hiddenControls: [], situation: {} } case 'UPDATE_SITUATION': return { ...state, situation: updateSituation(state.situation, { fieldName: action.fieldName, value: action.value, analysis }) } case 'UPDATE_DEFAULT_UNIT': return { ...state, defaultUnits: [action.defaultUnit], situation: updateDefaultUnit(state.situation, { toUnit: action.defaultUnit, analysis }) } } return state } const addAnswerToSituation = (dottedName: DottedName, value: any, state) => { return (compose( set(lensPath(['simulation', 'situation', dottedName]), value), over(lensPath(['conversationSteps', 'foldedSteps']), (steps = []) => uniq([...steps, dottedName]) ) as any ) as any)(state) } const removeAnswerFromSituation = (dottedName: DottedName, state) => { return (compose( over(lensPath(['simulation', 'situation']), dissoc(dottedName)), over( lensPath(['conversationSteps', 'foldedSteps']), without([dottedName]) ) as any ) as any)(state) } const existingCompanyRootReducer = (state: RootState, action) => { if (!action.type.startsWith('EXISTING_COMPANY::')) { return state } if (action.type.endsWith('ADD_COMMUNE_DETAILS')) { return addAnswerToSituation( 'établissement . localisation', JSON.stringify(action.details.localisation), state ) } if (action.type.endsWith('RESET')) { removeAnswerFromSituation('établissement . localisation', state) } return state } const mainReducer = (state, action: Action) => combineReducers({ conversationSteps, lang, rules: defaultTo(null) as Reducer>, explainedVariable, // We need to access the `rules` in the simulation reducer simulation: (a: Simulation | null, b: Action): Simulation => simulation(a, b, a && analysisWithDefaultsSelector(state)), previousSimulation: defaultTo(null) as Reducer, currentExample, situationBranch, activeTargetInput, inFranceApp: inFranceAppReducer })(state, action) export default reduceReducers( existingCompanyRootReducer, storageRootReducer, mainReducer ) export type RootState = ReturnType