WIP ⚙️ Detect cycles: RecalculBroken & visit Formule node
@ -22,7 +22,90 @@ type ASTNode = { [_: string]: {} | undefined }
// [XXX] - Vaudrait-il mieux utiliser les DottedNames directement ici?
// A priori non car on peut imaginer cette lib comme étant indépendante des règles existantes et
// fonctionnant par ex en "mode serveur".
type RuleNode<Name extends string> = /* ASTNode & */ ParsedRule<Name>
type RuleNode<Name extends string> = ASTNode & ParsedRule<Name>
type RuleProp = ASTNode & {
category: 'ruleProp'
rulePropType: string
export function isRuleProp(node: ASTNode): node is RuleProp {
return (
(node as RuleProp).category === 'ruleProp' &&
typeof (node as RuleProp).rulePropType === 'string'
type CondRuleProp = RuleProp & {
rulePropType: 'cond'
export function isCondRuleProp(node: ASTNode): node is CondRuleProp {
return isRuleProp(node) && (node as CondRuleProp).rulePropType === 'cond'
type ApplicableSi = CondRuleProp & {
dottedName: 'applicable si'
explanation: ASTNode
export function isApplicableSi(node: ASTNode): node is ApplicableSi {
const applicableSi = node as ApplicableSi
return (
isCondRuleProp(node) &&
applicableSi.dottedName === 'applicable si' &&
applicableSi.explanation !== undefined
type NonApplicableSi = CondRuleProp & {
dottedName: 'non applicable si'
explanation: ASTNode
export function isNonApplicableSi(node: ASTNode): node is NonApplicableSi {
const nonApplicableSi = node as NonApplicableSi
return (
isCondRuleProp(node) &&
nonApplicableSi.dottedName === 'non applicable si' &&
nonApplicableSi.explanation !== undefined
type Formule<Name extends string> = RuleProp & {
name: 'formule'
rulePropType: 'formula'
explanation: FormuleExplanation<Name>
export function isFormule<Name extends string>(
node: ASTNode
): node is Formule<Name> {
const formule = node as Formule<Name>
return (
isRuleProp(node) &&
formule.name === 'formule' &&
formule.rulePropType === 'formula' &&
type FormuleExplanation<Name extends string> =
| Value
| Operation
| Possibilities
| Possibilities2
| Reference<Name>
| RecalculBroken<Name>
| AnyMechanism<Name>
export function isFormuleExplanation<Name extends string>(
node: ASTNode
): node is FormuleExplanation<Name> {
return (
isValue(node) ||
isOperation(node) ||
isReference(node) ||
isPossibilities(node) ||
isPossibilities2(node) ||
isRecalculBroken<Name>(node) ||
type Value = ASTNode & {
nodeValue: number | string | boolean
@ -98,30 +181,23 @@ export function isReference<Name extends string>(
type Recalcul<Name extends string> = ASTNode & {
explanation: {
recalcul: Reference<Name>
amendedSituation: Record<Name, Reference<Name>>
type RecalculBroken<Name> = ASTNode & {
avec: Record<string, string> // Note: TS doesn't allow `Record<Name, string>`!
règle?: Name
evaluate: Function
export function isRecalcul<Name extends string>(
export function isRecalculBroken<Name>(
node: ASTNode
): node is Recalcul<Name> {
const recalcul = node as Recalcul<Name>
const isReferenceSpec = isReference as (
node: ASTNode
) => node is Reference<Name>
): node is RecalculBroken<Name> {
const recalculBroken = node as RecalculBroken<Name>
// Very defensive because we don't want to take risks with this not-well-defined kind of node:
return (
typeof recalcul.explanation === 'object' &&
typeof recalcul.explanation.recalcul === 'object' &&
isReferenceSpec(recalcul.explanation.recalcul as ASTNode) &&
typeof recalcul.explanation.amendedSituation === 'object'
// [XXX] - We would like to do
// && R.all(isDottedName, R.keys(recalcul.explanation.amendedSituation))
// but it seems there is no simple way to get a type's guard in Typescript
// apart if it's built as a class. Or we could rebuild everything here with
// passing this guard ƒ as a context everywhere along with the ASTNodes,
// with a context monad for example. Overkill.
key => R.includes(key, ['avec', 'règle', 'evaluate']),
) &&
typeof recalculBroken.avec === 'object' &&
recalculBroken.evaluate instanceof Function
@ -136,6 +212,33 @@ export function isAbstractMechanism(node: ASTNode): node is AbstractMechanism {
type RecalculMech<Name extends string> = AbstractMechanism & {
explanation: {
recalcul: Reference<Name>
amendedSituation: Record<Name, Reference<Name>>
export function isRecalculMech<Name extends string>(
node: ASTNode
): node is RecalculMech<Name> {
const recalculMech = node as RecalculMech<Name>
const isReferenceSpec = isReference as (
node: ASTNode
) => node is Reference<Name>
return (
typeof recalculMech.explanation === 'object' &&
typeof recalculMech.explanation.recalcul === 'object' &&
isReferenceSpec(recalculMech.explanation.recalcul as ASTNode) &&
typeof recalculMech.explanation.amendedSituation === 'object'
// [XXX] - We would like to do
// && R.all(isDottedName, R.keys(recalculMech.explanation.amendedSituation))
// but it seems there is no simple way to get a type's guard in Typescript
// apart if it's built as a class. Or we could rebuild everything here with
// passing this guard ƒ as a context everywhere along with the ASTNodes,
// with a context monad for example. Overkill.
type EncadrementMech = AbstractMechanism & {
name: 'encadrement'
explanation: {
@ -465,16 +568,37 @@ export function isDureeMech(node: ASTNode): node is DureeMech {
type AnyMechanism = EncadrementMech | SommeMech
export function isAnyMechanism(node: ASTNode): node is AnyMechanism {
type AnyMechanism<Name extends string> =
| RecalculMech<Name>
| EncadrementMech
| SommeMech
| ProduitMech
| VariationsMech
| AllegementMech
| BaremeMech
| InversionNumMech<Name>
| ArrondiMech
| MaxMech
| MinMech
| ComposantesMech
| UneConditionsMech
| ToutesConditionsMech
| SyncMech
| GrilleMech
| TauxProgMech
| DureeMech
export function isAnyMechanism<Name extends string>(
node: ASTNode
): node is AnyMechanism<Name> {
return (
isRecalculMech<Name>(node) ||
isEncadrementMech(node) ||
isSommeMech(node) ||
isProduitMech(node) ||
isVariationsMech(node) ||
isAllegementMech(node) ||
isBaremeMech(node) ||
isInversionNumMech(node) ||
isInversionNumMech<Name>(node) ||
isArrondiMech(node) ||
isMaxMech(node) ||
isMinMech(node) ||
@ -488,28 +612,6 @@ export function isAnyMechanism(node: ASTNode): node is AnyMechanism {
type FormuleNode<Name extends string> =
| Value
| Operation
| Possibilities
| Possibilities2
| Reference<Name>
| Recalcul<Name>
| AnyMechanism
export function isFormuleNode<Name extends string>(
node: ASTNode
): node is FormuleNode<Name> {
return (
isValue(node) ||
isOperation(node) ||
isReference(node) ||
isPossibilities(node) ||
isPossibilities2(node) ||
isRecalcul(node) ||
function logVisit(depth: number, typeName: string, obj: {}): void {
let cleanRepr = obj
@ -523,6 +625,14 @@ export function ruleDependenciesOfNode<Name extends string>(
depth: number,
node: ASTNode
): Array<Name> {
function ruleDependenciesOfFormule(
depth: number,
formule: Formule<Name>
): Array<Name> {
logVisit(depth, 'formule', '')
return ruleDependenciesOfNode(depth + 1, formule.explanation)
function ruleDependenciesOfValue(depth: number, value: Value): Array<Name> {
logVisit(depth, 'value', value.nodeValue)
return []
@ -568,16 +678,24 @@ export function ruleDependenciesOfNode<Name extends string>(
return [reference.dottedName]
function ruleDependenciesOfRecalcul(
function ruleDependenciesOfRecalculBroken<Name>(
depth: number,
recalcul: Recalcul<Name>
recalculBroken: RecalculBroken<Name>
): Array<Name> {
logVisit(depth, 'recalcul broken', recalculBroken.règle || '')
return recalculBroken.règle ? [recalculBroken.règle] : []
function ruleDependenciesOfRecalculMech(
depth: number,
recalculMech: RecalculMech<Name>
): Array<Name> {
recalcul.explanation.recalcul.partialReference as string
recalculMech.explanation.recalcul.partialReference as string
return [recalcul.explanation.recalcul.partialReference]
return [recalculMech.explanation.recalcul.partialReference]
function ruleDependenciesOfEncadrementMech(
@ -873,7 +991,9 @@ export function ruleDependenciesOfNode<Name extends string>(
return result
if (isValue(node)) {
if (isFormule<Name>(node)) {
return ruleDependenciesOfFormule(depth, node)
} else if (isValue(node)) {
return ruleDependenciesOfValue(depth, node)
} else if (isOperation(node)) {
return ruleDependenciesOfOperation(depth, node)
@ -883,8 +1003,10 @@ export function ruleDependenciesOfNode<Name extends string>(
return ruleDependenciesOfPossibilities(depth, node)
} else if (isPossibilities2(node)) {
return ruleDependenciesOfPossibilities2(depth, node)
} else if (isRecalcul<Name>(node)) {
return ruleDependenciesOfRecalcul(depth, node)
} else if (isRecalculBroken<Name>(node)) {
return ruleDependenciesOfRecalculBroken(depth, node)
} else if (isRecalculMech<Name>(node)) {
return ruleDependenciesOfRecalculMech(depth, node)
} else if (isEncadrementMech(node)) {
return ruleDependenciesOfEncadrementMech(depth, node)
} else if (isSommeMech(node)) {
@ -939,22 +1061,32 @@ export function ruleDependenciesOfNode<Name extends string>(
return []
function ruleDependenciesOfRule<Name extends string>(
function ruleDependenciesOfRuleNode<Name extends string>(
depth: number,
rule: RuleNode<Name>
): Array<Name> {
logVisit(depth, 'rule', rule.dottedName as string)
logVisit(depth, 'Rule', rule.dottedName)
if (rule.formule) {
const formuleNode: FormuleNode<Name> = rule.formule.explanation
const formuleNode = rule.formule
return ruleDependenciesOfNode(depth + 1, formuleNode)
const formuleExplanationNode: FormuleExplanationNode<Name> =
// // This is for comfort, as the responsibility over structure isn't owned by this piece of code:
// if (!isFormuleNode(formuleNode)) {
// if (!isFormuleExplanationNode(formuleExplanationNode)) {
// debugger
// // throw Error(
// // `This rule's formule is not of a known type: ${rule.dottedName}`
// // )
// }
return ruleDependenciesOfNode(depth + 1, formuleNode)
return ruleDependenciesOfNode(depth + 1, formuleExplanationNode)
// if (rule['applicable si']) {
// debugger
// }
// if (rule['non applicable si']) {
// debugger
// }
return []
@ -977,7 +1109,7 @@ export function buildRulesDependencies<Name extends string>(
return R.map(
([dottedName, ruleNode]: [Name, RuleNode<Name>]): [Name, Array<Name>] => [
ruleDependenciesOfRule<Name>(0, ruleNode)
ruleDependenciesOfRuleNode<Name>(0, ruleNode)
Reference in New Issue