Merge pull request #790 from betagouv/quickfix
🐛 répare la page blanche lors d'un parcours en navigation privée
@ -3938,6 +3938,7 @@ dirigeant . assimilé salarié:
rend non applicable:
- contrat salarié . convention collective
- contrat salarié . rémunération . primes
- contrat salarié . rémunération . primes . activité
- contrat salarié . chômage
- contrat salarié . réduction générale
- contrat salarié . allocations familiales . taux réduit
@ -10,12 +10,14 @@ import { mapOrApply } from '../utils'
// create a "selector creator" that uses deep equal instead of ===
const createDeepEqualSelector = createSelectorCreator(defaultMemoize, equals)
let configSelector = (state: RootState) => state.simulation && state.simulation.config || {}
// We must here compute parsedRules, flatRules, analyse which contains both targets and cache objects
export let flatRulesSelector = (
state: RootState,
props?: { rules: RootState['rules'] }
) => {
return props?.rules || state?.rules
return props && props.rules || state.rules
export let parsedRulesSelector = createSelector([flatRulesSelector], rules =>
@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ export let ruleDefaultsSelector = createSelector([flatRulesSelector], rules =>
export let targetNamesSelector = (state: RootState) => {
let objectifs = state.simulation?.config.objectifs
let objectifs = configSelector(state).objectifs
if (!objectifs || !Array.isArray(objectifs)) {
return null
@ -40,7 +42,7 @@ export let targetNamesSelector = (state: RootState) => {
const secondaryTargetNames =
state.simulation?.config['objectifs secondaires'] || []
configSelector(state)['objectifs secondaires'] || []
return [...targetNames, ...secondaryTargetNames]
@ -48,7 +50,7 @@ export let targetNamesSelector = (state: RootState) => {
type SituationSelectorType = typeof situationSelector
export const situationSelector = (state: RootState) =>
state.simulation?.situation || {}
state.simulation && state.simulation.situation || {}
export const usePeriod = () => useSelector(situationSelector)['période']
@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ export const useTarget = (dottedName: DottedName) => {
const targets = useSelector(
(state: RootState) => analysisWithDefaultsSelector(state).targets
return targets?.find(t => t.dottedName === dottedName)
return targets && targets.find(t => t.dottedName === dottedName)
export let noUserInputSelector = createSelector(
@ -69,21 +71,23 @@ export let firstStepCompletedSelector = createSelector(
state => state.simulation?.config?.bloquant
(situation, targetNames, parsedRules, bloquant) => {
(situation, targetNames, parsedRules, config) => {
if (!situation) {
return true
const situations = Object.keys(situation)
const allBlockingAreAnswered =
bloquant && bloquant.every(rule => situations.includes(rule))
config.bloquant && config.bloquant.every(rule => situations.includes(rule))
const targetIsAnswered =
targetNames &&
targetName =>
findRuleByDottedName(parsedRules, targetName)?.formule &&
targetName => {
const rule = findRuleByDottedName(parsedRules, targetName)
return rule && rule.formule &&
targetName in situation
return allBlockingAreAnswered || targetIsAnswered
@ -93,9 +97,9 @@ let validatedStepsSelector = createSelector(
[state => state.conversationSteps.foldedSteps, targetNamesSelector],
(foldedSteps, targetNames) => [...foldedSteps, ...targetNames]
let branchesSelector = (state: RootState) => state.simulation?.config.branches
let branchesSelector = (state: RootState) => configSelector(state).branches
let configSituationSelector = (state: RootState) =>
state.simulation?.config.situation || {}
configSelector(state).situation || {}
const createSituationBrancheSelector = (
situationSelector: SituationSelectorType
@ -252,17 +256,17 @@ const similarity = (rule1: DottedName, rule2: DottedName) =>
export let nextStepsSelector = createSelector(
state => state.simulation?.config.questions,
state => state.conversationSteps.foldedSteps,
{questions: {
'non prioritaires': notPriority = [],
uniquement: only,
uniquement: only = null,
'liste noire': blacklist = []
} = {},
} = {}},
foldedSteps = [],
) => {
Reference in New Issue