Réécriture de la grammaire
Elle renvoit un objet qui est une vision prefixe du contenu parsépull/529/head
@ -1,9 +1,3 @@
@preprocessor esmodule
import maSuperFonction from './maSuperFonction'
import treatVariableTransforms from './treatVariable'
# To understand or edit this file, use the awesome nearley playground (but save your work, it can crash sometimes) : https://omrelli.ug/nearley-playground/
@ -21,13 +15,17 @@ NumericTerminal ->
| number {% id %}
# Parentheses
P -> "(" _ AS _ ")" {% function(d) {return {category:'parentheses', explanation: d[2]}} %}
P -> "(" _ AS _ ")" {% ([,,e]) => e %}
| NumericTerminal {% id %}
ComparisonOperator -> ">" | "<" | ">=" | "<=" | "=" | "!="
Comparison -> Comparable _ ComparisonOperator _ Comparable {% yo => maSuperFonction(yo) %}
Comparison -> Comparable _ ComparisonOperator _ Comparable {% ([A, , operator, , B]) => ({
[A, B]
}) %}
Comparable -> ( AS | NonNumericTerminal) {% d => d[0][0] %}
Comparable -> ( AS | NonNumericTerminal) {% ([[e]]) => e %}
NonNumericTerminal ->
Boolean {% id %}
@ -35,28 +33,24 @@ NonNumericTerminal ->
| NegatedVariable {% id %}
ComparisonOperator -> ">" | "<" | ">=" | "<=" | "=" | "!="
NegatedVariable -> "≠" _ Variable {% ([,,variable]) => ({'≠': variable }) %}
NegatedVariable -> "≠" _ Variable {% d => ({category: 'negatedVariable', variable: d[2] }) %}
FilteredVariable -> Variable _ Filter {% ([variable,,filtre]) => ({filtre: {filtre, variable}}) %}
FilteredVariable -> Variable _ Filter {% d => ({category: 'variable', filter: d[2], variable: d[0] }) %}
Filter -> "(" VariableFragment ")" {% ([,filtre]) =>filtre %}
Filter -> "(" VariableFragment ")" {% d =>d[1] %}
TemporalVariable -> Variable _ TemporalTransform {% ([variable,,chemin]) => ({'conversion temporelle': {variable, chemin}}) %}
TemporalVariable -> Variable _ TemporalTransform {% d => ({...d[0], temporalTransform: d[2] }) %}
TemporalTransform -> "[" Temporality "]" {% d =>d[1] %}
TemporalTransform -> "[" Temporalities "]" {% d =>d[1] %}
Temporalities -> "annuel" | "mensuel" {% id %}
Temporality -> "annuel" | "mensuel" {% id %}
# Addition and subtraction
AS -> AS _ ASOperator _ MD {% d => ({
category: 'calcExpression',
operator: d[2],
explanation: [d[0], d[4]],
type: 'numeric'
AS -> AS _ ASOperator _ MD {% ([A, , operator, , B]) => ({
[A, B]
}) %}
| MD {% id %}
@ -69,11 +63,10 @@ MDOperator -> "*" {% id %}
| "/" {% id %}
# Multiplication and division
MD -> MD _ MDOperator _ P {% d => ({
category: 'calcExpression',
operator: d[2],
explanation: [d[0], d[4]],
type: 'numeric'
MD -> MD _ MDOperator _ P {%
([A, , operator, , B]) => ({
[A, B]
}) %}
| P {% id %}
@ -83,16 +76,18 @@ Term -> Variable {% id %}
| number {% id %}
| percentage {% id %}
Variable -> VariableFragment (_ Dot _ VariableFragment {% [,,,fragment] => fragment %}):*
{% ([firstFragment, nextFragments]) => treatVariableTransforms({
Variable -> VariableFragment (_ Dot _ VariableFragment {% ([,,,fragment]) => fragment %}):*
{% ([firstFragment, nextFragments]) =>
({variable: {
category: 'variable',
fragments: [firstFragment, ...nextFragments],
}) %}
}}) %}
String -> "'" [ .'a-zA-Z\-\u00C0-\u017F ]:+ "'" {% d => ({
category: 'value',
String -> "'" [ .'a-zA-Z\-\u00C0-\u017F ]:+ "'" {% d => ({constante: {
type: 'string',
nodeValue: d[1].join('')
}) %}
}}) %}
VariableFragment -> VariableWord (_ VariableWord {% d=> ' ' + d[1] %}):* {% d => d[0] + d[1].join('') %}
@ -104,10 +99,11 @@ Dot -> [\.] {% d => null %}
_ -> [\s] {% d => null %}
number -> [0-9]:+ ([\.] [0-9]:+):? {% d => ({category: 'value', nodeValue: parseFloat(d[0].join("")+(d[1]?(d[1][0]+d[1][1].join("")):""))}) %}
number -> [0-9]:+ ([\.] [0-9]:+):? {% d => ({constante:{ nodeValue: parseFloat(d[0].join("")+(d[1]?(d[1][0]+d[1][1].join("")):""))}}) %}
percentage -> [0-9]:+ ([\.] [0-9]:+):? [\%] {% d => percentage(d)%}
percentage -> [0-9]:+ ([\.] [0-9]:+):? [\%] {% d => ({ 'percentage':{ nodeValue: parseFloat(d[0].join("")+(d[1]?(d[1][0]+d[1][1].join("")):""))/100}}) %}
Boolean -> "oui" {% d=> ({category: 'boolean', nodeValue: true}) %}
| "non" {% d=> ({category: 'boolean', nodeValue: false}) %}
Boolean -> ("oui"
| "non" ) {% ([val])=> ({constante:{type: 'boolean', nodeValue: {'oui': true, 'non': false}[val]}}) %}
@ -58,11 +58,9 @@ import {
export let nearley = () => new Parser(Grammar.ParserRules, Grammar.ParserStart)
export let treatString = (rules, rule) => rawNode => {
/* On a affaire à un string, donc à une expression infixe.
Elle sera traité avec le parser obtenu grâce à NearleyJs et notre grammaire `grammar.ne`.
On obtient un objet de type Variable (avec potentiellement un 'modifier', par exemple temporel), CalcExpression ou Comparison.
Cet objet est alors rebalancé à 'treat'.
/* Strings correspond to infix expressions.
* Indeed, a subset of expressions like simple arithmetic operations `3 + (quantity * 2)` or like `salary [month]` are more explicit that their prefixed counterparts.
* This function makes them prefixed operations. */
let [parseResult, ...additionnalResults] = nearley().feed(rawNode).results
@ -79,113 +77,7 @@ export let treatString = (rules, rule) => rawNode => {
if (parseResult.category == 'variable')
return treatVariableTransforms(rules, rule)(parseResult)
if (parseResult.category == 'negatedVariable')
return treatNegatedVariable(
treatVariable(rules, rule)(parseResult.variable)
if (
parseResult.category == 'calcExpression' ||
parseResult.category == 'comparison'
) {
let evaluate = (cache, situation, parsedRules, node) => {
let operatorFunction = {
'*': multiply,
'/': divide,
'+': add,
'-': subtract,
'<': lt,
'<=': lte,
'>': gt,
'>=': gte,
'=': equals,
'!=': (a, b) => !equals(a, b)
explanation = map(
curry(evaluateNode)(cache, situation, parsedRules),
value1 = explanation[0].nodeValue,
value2 = explanation[1].nodeValue,
nodeValue =
value1 == null || value2 == null
? null
: operatorFunction(value1, value2),
missingVariables = mergeMissing(
return rewriteNode(node, nodeValue, explanation, missingVariables)
let explanation = parseResult.explanation.map(
propEq('category', 'variable'),
treatVariableTransforms(rules, rule)
propEq('category', 'value'),
node => ({
nodeValue: node.nodeValue,
// eslint-disable-next-line
jsx: nodeValue => <span className="value">{nodeValue}</span>
propEq('category', 'percentage'),
node => ({
nodeValue: node.nodeValue,
// eslint-disable-next-line
jsx: nodeValue => (
<span className="value">{nodeValue * 100}%</span>
//the best would be to display the original text before parsing, but nearley does'nt let us access it
operator = parseResult.operator
let operatorToUnicode = operator =>
'>=': '≥',
'<=': '≤',
'!=': '≠',
'*': '∗',
'/': '∕',
'-': '−'
}[operator] || operator)
let jsx = (nodeValue, explanation) => (
classes={'inlineExpression ' + parseResult.category}
<span className="nodeContent">
<span className="fa fa" />
<span className="operator">
return {
text: rawNode,
category: parseResult.category,
type: parseResult.category == 'calcExpression' ? 'numeric' : 'boolean',
return treatObject(rules, rule)(parseResult)
export let treatNumber = rawNode => ({
Reference in New Issue