🧰 Sort les sitePaths de en.yaml

Maxime Quandalle 2020-04-26 19:18:18 +02:00
parent bbe7933586
commit 3af9fdd29b
7 changed files with 114 additions and 148 deletions

View File

@ -895,46 +895,6 @@ pages:
simulator language.</3>
module: What module?
par: per
budget: /budget
coronavirus: /coronavirus
après: /after-registration
autoEntrepreneur: /auto-entrepreneur
gérantMinoritaire: /chairman-or-managing-director
index: /legal-status
liste: /list
nombreAssociés: /multiple-associates
responsabilité: /liability
statutDirigeant: /director
index: /create
exemples: /examples
index: /documentation
index: /declaration-aid-independent
embaucher: /hiring
index: /manage
sécuritéSociale: /social-security
iframe: /iframe
index: /integration
library: /library
nouveautés: /What's new
artiste-auteur: /artist-author
assimilé-salarié: /assimile-salarie
auto-entrepreneur: /auto-entrepreneur
comparaison: /social-scheme-comparaison
index: /simulators
indépendant: /independant
salarié: /salaried
stats: /stats
index: /sharing-economy
votreSituation: /your-situation
disclaimer: >-
It takes into account national law but not union negotiated rules. Lots of

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ let { readRules } = require('../rules')
let { parse } = require('yaml')
let rulesTranslationPath = path.resolve('source/locales/rules-en.yaml')
let UiTranslationPath = path.resolve('source/locales/en.yaml')
let UiTranslationPath = path.resolve('source/locales/ui-en.yaml')
let attributesToTranslate = [

View File

@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ import Stats from './pages/Stats/LazyStats'
import ÉconomieCollaborative from './pages/ÉconomieCollaborative'
import redirects from './redirects'
import { constructLocalizedSitePath } from './sitePaths'
import { AvailableLangs } from 'i18n'
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
const release =
@ -90,7 +91,7 @@ function Root({ basename, rules }: RootProps) {
rules = rulesFr
const paths = constructLocalizedSitePath(language)
const paths = constructLocalizedSitePath(language as AvailableLangs)
return (

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { render } from 'react-dom'
import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime'
import rules from 'Rules'
import i18next from '../../i18n'
import translations from '../../locales/en.yaml'
import translations from '../../locales/ui-en.yaml'
import ruleTranslations from '../../locales/rules-en.yaml'
import App from './App'

View File

@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ export default function SocialSecurity() {
className="ui__ interactive card box"
pathname: sitePaths.gérer.déclarationIndépendant.index
pathname: sitePaths.gérer.déclarationIndépendant
<div className="ui__ big box-icon">{emoji('✍')}</div>

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ export default function Gérer() {
<Route path={sitePaths.gérer.embaucher} component={Embaucher} />

View File

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import { encodeRuleName } from 'Engine/ruleUtils'
import { map, reduce, toPairs, zipObj } from 'ramda'
import { DottedName } from 'Rules'
import { LegalStatus } from 'Selectors/companyStatusSelectors'
import i18n from '../../i18n'
export const LANDING_LEGAL_STATUS_LIST: Array<LegalStatus> = [
@ -16,125 +15,131 @@ export const LANDING_LEGAL_STATUS_LIST: Array<LegalStatus> = [
const translateTo = (language: string) => (
str1: string,
str2: string,
options = {}
) =>
i18n.t([str1, str2].filter(Boolean), {
...(language ? { lng: language } : {}),
type LocalizedPath = string
type PathFactory = (...args: Array<any>) => LocalizedPath
interface HasIndex {
index: string
type SitePathObject<T> = {
index: LocalizedPath
} & {
[key in keyof T]: string | PathFactory | SitePathObject<T[key]>
type SitePathsObject<T> = {
[key in keyof T]: string | Function | SitePathsObject<T[key]>
const sitePathsFr = {
index: '',
créer: {
index: '/créer',
LANDING_LEGAL_STATUS_LIST.map(statut => [statut, `/${statut}`])
) as { [statut in LegalStatus]: string }),
après: '/après-la-création',
guideStatut: {
index: '/statut-juridique',
liste: '/liste',
soleProprietorship: '/responsabilité',
directorStatus: '/dirigeant',
autoEntrepreneur: '/auto-entrepreneur-ou-entreprise-individuelle',
function constructSitePaths<T extends SitePathsObject<HasIndex>>(
multipleAssociates: '/nombre-associés',
minorityDirector: '/gérant-majoritaire-ou-minoritaire'
gérer: {
index: '/gérer',
embaucher: '/embaucher',
sécuritéSociale: '/sécurité-sociale',
déclarationIndépendant: '/aide-declaration-independants'
simulateurs: {
index: '/simulateurs',
'assimilé-salarié': '/assimilé-salarié',
indépendant: '/indépendant',
'auto-entrepreneur': '/auto-entrepreneur',
comparaison: '/comparaison-régimes-sociaux',
salarié: '/salarié',
'artiste-auteur': '/artiste-auteur'
économieCollaborative: {
index: '/économie-collaborative',
votreSituation: '/votre-situation'
nouveautés: '/nouveautés',
stats: '/stats',
budget: '/budget',
coronavirus: '/coronavirus',
integration: {
index: '/intégration',
iframe: '/iframe',
library: '/bibliothèque-de-calcul'
documentation: {
index: '/documentation',
rule: (dottedName: DottedName) => '/' + encodeRuleName(dottedName)
} as const
const sitePathsEn = {
créer: {
index: '/create',
après: '/after-registration',
guideStatut: {
index: '/legal-status',
liste: '/list',
soleProprietorship: '/liability',
directorStatus: '/director',
autoEntrepreneur: '/auto-entrepreneur',
multipleAssociates: '/multiple-associates',
minorityDirector: '/chairman-or-managing-director'
gérer: {
index: '/manage',
embaucher: '/hiring',
sécuritéSociale: '/social-security',
déclarationIndépendant: '/declaration-aid-independent'
simulateurs: {
index: '/simulators',
'assimilé-salarié': '/assimile-salarie',
indépendant: '/independant',
'auto-entrepreneur': '/auto-entrepreneur',
comparaison: '/social-scheme-comparaison',
salarié: '/salaried',
'artiste-auteur': '/artist-author'
économieCollaborative: {
index: '/sharing-economy',
votreSituation: '/your-situation'
nouveautés: '/news',
integration: {
index: '/integration',
library: '/library'
} as const
function constructSitePaths<T extends SitePathObject<T>>(
root: string,
{ index, ...sitePaths }: T
): T {
return {
index: root + index,
...map(value =>
...map((value: LocalizedPath | PathFactory | SitePathObject<string>) =>
typeof value === 'string'
? root + index + value
: typeof value === 'function'
? (...args: any) => root + index + String(value(...args))
? (...args: Array<unknown>) => root + index + String(value(...args))
: constructSitePaths(root + index, value as any)
)(sitePaths as any)
} as any
export const constructLocalizedSitePath = (language: string) => {
const t = translateTo(language)
return constructSitePaths('', {
index: '',
créer: {
index: t('path.créer.index', '/créer'),
LANDING_LEGAL_STATUS_LIST.map(statut => [statut, `/${statut}`])
) as { [statut in LegalStatus]: string }),
après: t('path.créer.après', '/créer/après-la-création'),
guideStatut: {
index: t('path.créer.guideStatut.index', '/statut-juridique'),
liste: t('path.créer.guideStatut.liste', '/liste'),
soleProprietorship: t(
directorStatus: t(
autoEntrepreneur: t(
multipleAssociates: t(
minorityDirector: t(
gérer: {
index: t('path.gérer.index', '/gérer'),
embaucher: t('path.gérer.embaucher', '/embaucher'),
sécuritéSociale: t('path.gérer.sécuritéSociale', '/sécurité-sociale'),
déclarationIndépendant: {
index: t(
simulateurs: {
index: t('path.simulateurs.index', '/simulateurs'),
'assimilé-salarié': t(
indépendant: t('path.simulateurs.indépendant', '/indépendant'),
'auto-entrepreneur': t(
comparaison: t(
salarié: t('path.simulateurs.salarié', '/salarié'),
'artiste-auteur': t('path.simulateurs.artiste-auteur', '/artiste-auteur')
économieCollaborative: {
index: t('path.économieCollaborative.index', '/économie-collaborative'),
votreSituation: t(
nouveautés: t('path.nouveautés', '/nouveautés'),
budget: t('path.budget', '/budget'),
stats: t('path.stats', '/stats'),
documentation: {
index: t('path.documentation.index', '/documentation'),
rule: (dottedName: DottedName) => '/' + encodeRuleName(dottedName)
coronavirus: t('path.coronavirus', '/coronavirus'),
integration: {
index: t('path.integration.index', '/intégration'),
iframe: t('path.integration.iframe', '/iframe'),
library: t('path.integration.library', '/bibliothèque-de-calcul')
export const constructLocalizedSitePath = (language: 'en' | 'fr') => {
const sitePaths = language === 'fr' ? sitePathsFr : sitePathsEn
return constructSitePaths('', sitePaths)
export type SitePathsType = ReturnType<typeof constructLocalizedSitePath>