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Mael 2018-09-10 09:16:40 +02:00
parent e808ad1340
commit 29f9194ea5
1 changed files with 48 additions and 50 deletions

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@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ const SetMainStatus = ({ history, possibleStatus }: Props) => {
Also called company in own name or company in a personal name. No
capital contribution is necessary. Private wealth and corporate
wealth are one.
<StatusButton status='EI' history={history} />
<br />
<StatusButton status="EI" history={history} />
{possibleStatus.EIRL && (
@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ const SetMainStatus = ({ history, possibleStatus }: Props) => {
Protects your property by assigning to your business a professional
heritage necessary for the activity.
<StatusButton status='EIRL' history={history} />
<br />
<StatusButton status="EIRL" history={history} />
{possibleStatus.EURL && (
@ -57,27 +57,25 @@ const SetMainStatus = ({ history, possibleStatus }: Props) => {
Company with only one partner. Liability is limited to the amount of
its contribution to the capital.
<StatusButton status='EURL' history={history} />
<br />
<StatusButton status="EURL" history={history} />
{(possibleStatus['SARL (minority director)'] ||
possibleStatus['SARL (majority director)']) && (
{(possibleStatus['SARL (minority director)'] ||
possibleStatus['SARL (majority director)']) && (
SARL - Société à responsabilité limitée (Limited corporation):{' '}
Composed of at least 2 partners whose financial responsibility is
limited to the amounts of contributions in the capital. The minimum
capital is freely fixed in the statutes. {
possibleStatus['SARL (minority director)'] &&
capital is freely fixed in the statutes.{' '}
{possibleStatus['SARL (minority director)'] &&
'The equality or minority manager or college has the "salaried" status.'}
{possibleStatus['SARL (majority director)'] &&
'The majority manager or college has the self employed status.'
<StatusButton status='SARL' history={history} />
{possibleStatus['SARL (majority director)'] &&
'The majority manager or college has the self employed status.'}
<br />
<StatusButton status="SARL" history={history} />
{possibleStatus.SAS && (
@ -85,13 +83,12 @@ const SetMainStatus = ({ history, possibleStatus }: Props) => {
SAS - Société par actions simplifiées (Simplified joint stock
company):{' '}
</strong>Composed of at least 2 associates. The financial
responsibility of the partners is limited to the amounts of
contributions in the capital. The minimum capital is freely fixed in
the statutes.
<StatusButton status='SAS' history={history} />
Composed of at least 2 associates. The financial responsibility of
the partners is limited to the amounts of contributions in the
capital. The minimum capital is freely fixed in the statutes.
<br />
<StatusButton status="SAS" history={history} />
{possibleStatus.SASU && (
@ -99,47 +96,48 @@ const SetMainStatus = ({ history, possibleStatus }: Props) => {
SASU - Société par action simplifiée unipersonnelle (Simplified
personal joint stock company):{' '}
</strong>Composed of only one associate. The financial
responsibility is limited to the amounts of contributions in the
capital. The minimum capital is freely fixed in the statutes.
<StatusButton status='SASU' history={history} />
Composed of only one associate. The financial responsibility is
limited to the amounts of contributions in the capital. The minimum
capital is freely fixed in the statutes.
<br />
<StatusButton status="SASU" history={history} />
{possibleStatus.SA && (
<strong>SA - Société anonyme (Anonymous company):</strong>Company
composed of at least 2 shareholders. The only status that allows you
to be listed on the stock exchange (from 7 shareholders). The
minimum share capital is 37.000.
<StatusButton status='SA' history={history} />
<strong>SA - Société anonyme (Anonymous company):</strong>
Company composed of at least 2 shareholders. The only status that
allows you to be listed on the stock exchange (from 7 shareholders).
The minimum share capital is 37.000.
<br />
<StatusButton status="SA" history={history} />
{possibleStatus.SNC && (
<strong>SNC - Société en nom collectif (Partnership):</strong>The
liability of the partners for the debts of the company is unified
(one partner only can be sued for the entire debt) and indefinite
(responsible on the entirety of their personnal wealth).
<StatusButton status='SNC' history={history} />
<strong>SNC - Société en nom collectif (Partnership):</strong>
The liability of the partners for the debts of the company is
unified (one partner only can be sued for the entire debt) and
indefinite (responsible on the entirety of their personnal wealth).
<br />
<StatusButton status="SNC" history={history} />
{(possibleStatus['Microenterprise (option EIRL)'] || possibleStatus['Microenterprise']) && (
{(possibleStatus['Microenterprise (option EIRL)'] ||
possibleStatus['Microenterprise']) && (
<strong>Microenterprise:</strong> The micro-enterprise
is a sole proprietorship company, subject to a flat-rate scheme for
the calculation of taxes and the payment of social security
contributions. {possibleStatus['Microenterprise (option EIRL)'] && 'With the EIRL option, you have limited liability on your losses.'}
<StatusButton status='microenterprise' history={history} />
<strong>Microenterprise:</strong> The micro-enterprise is a sole
proprietorship company, subject to a flat-rate scheme for the
calculation of taxes and the payment of social security
contributions.{' '}
{possibleStatus['Microenterprise (option EIRL)'] &&
'With the EIRL option, you have limited liability on your losses.'}
<br />
<StatusButton status="microenterprise" history={history} />
<div className="ui__ answer-group">
<Link to="/social-security" className="ui__ skip-button">