The hiring simulator, available on both websites, embeds a [model](https://github.com/betagouv/syso/blob/master/source/règles/base.yaml) of the french tax system as a YAML domain specific language. It enables displaying the computing rules on the Web and having a single source of logic for both the computation engine (a JS library) and the generated end-user conversation-like form.
The engine with the French tax law is available as a NPM module and explained [on the wiki](https://github.com/betagouv/syso/wiki/Librairie-de-calcul).
Developed by the french public startup incubator, [beta.gouv.fr](https://beta.gouv.fr/), with the help of the social security contributions collector, [URSSAF](www.urssaf.fr).
Most of the documentation (including issues and the wiki) is written in french, please raise an [issue](https://github.com/betagouv/syso/issues/new) if you are interested and do not speak French.