117 lines
2.9 KiB
117 lines
2.9 KiB
import { isEmpty, remove, unnest } from 'ramda'
import i18n from '../i18n'
type BaseUnit = string
export type Unit = {
numerators: Array<BaseUnit>
denominators: Array<BaseUnit>
//TODO this function does not handle complex units like passenger-kilometer/flight
export let parseUnit = (string: string): Unit => {
let [a, b = ''] = string.split('/'),
result = {
numerators: a !== '' ? [getUnitKey(a)] : [],
denominators: b !== '' ? [getUnitKey(b)] : []
return result
const translations = Object.entries(
i18n.getResourceBundle(i18n.language, 'units')
function getUnitKey(unit: string): string {
const key = translations
.find(([, trans]) => trans === unit)?.[0]
.replace(/_plural$/, '')
return key || unit
let printUnits = (units: Array<string>, count: number): string =>
.filter(unit => unit !== '%')
.map(unit => i18n.t(`units:${unit}`, { count }))
const plural = 2
export let serialiseUnit = (
rawUnit: Unit | null | string,
count: number = plural,
lng?: string
) => {
if (rawUnit === null || typeof rawUnit !== 'object') {
return typeof rawUnit === 'string'
? i18n.t(`units:${rawUnit}`, { count, lng })
: rawUnit
let unit = simplify(rawUnit),
{ numerators = [], denominators = [] } = unit
// the unit '%' is only displayed when it is the only unit
let merge = [...numerators, ...denominators]
if (merge.length === 1 && merge[0] === '%') return '%'
let n = !isEmpty(numerators)
let d = !isEmpty(denominators)
let string =
!n && !d
? ''
: n && !d
? printUnits(numerators, count)
: !n && d
? `/${printUnits(denominators, 1)}`
: `${printUnits(numerators, plural)} / ${printUnits(denominators, 1)}`
return string
type SupportedOperators = '*' | '/' | '+' | '-'
let noUnit = { numerators: [], denominators: [] }
export let inferUnit = (
operator: SupportedOperators,
rawUnits: Array<Unit>
): Unit => {
let units = rawUnits.map(u => u || noUnit)
if (operator === '*')
return simplify({
numerators: unnest(units.map(u => u.numerators)),
denominators: unnest(units.map(u => u.denominators))
if (operator === '/') {
if (units.length !== 2)
throw new Error('Infer units of a division with units.length !== 2)')
return inferUnit('*', [
numerators: units[1].denominators,
denominators: units[1].numerators
if (operator === '-' || operator === '+') {
return rawUnits.find(u => u)
return null
export let removeOnce = <T>(element: T) => (list: Array<T>): Array<T> => {
let index = list.indexOf(element)
if (index > -1) return remove<T>(index, 1)(list)
else return list
let simplify = (unit: Unit): Unit =>
[...unit.numerators, ...unit.denominators].reduce(
({ numerators, denominators }, next) =>
numerators.includes(next) && denominators.includes(next)
? {
numerators: removeOnce(next)(numerators),
denominators: removeOnce(next)(denominators)
: { numerators, denominators },